With effect from the commencement of the new financial year in July 2017, the Australian federal and state governments implemented a range of legal and regulatory changes, which could affect entities undertaking or contemplating investments in Australian land, companies or businesses or who are seeking to establish operations in Australia. We have summarised four of these key changes below.
Case Note: Re Cardinia Nominees Pty Ltd [2013] NSWSC 32
Facts of the case
Cardinia Nominees Pty Ltd (Cardinia) agreed to lend Inika Pty Ltd (Inika) the sum of $750,000, in exchange for the issue of convertible bonds to Cardinia. The loan was secured by a charge in favour of Cardinia over the whole of Inika’s assets.
Case Note: Re Cardinia Nominees Pty Ltd [2013] NSWSC 32
Facts of the case
Cardinia Nominees Pty Ltd (Cardinia) agreed to lend Inika Pty Ltd (Inika) the sum of $750,000, in exchange for the issue of convertible bonds to Cardinia. The loan was secured by a charge in favour of Cardinia over the whole of Inika’s assets.
With effect from the commencement of the new financial year in July 2017, the Australian federal and state governments implemented a range of legal and regulatory changes, which could affect entities undertaking or contemplating investments in Australian land, companies or businesses or who are seeking to establish operations in Australia. We have summarised four of these key changes below.